Archive | June, 2009

Revisiting sweeter times

6 Jun

Since both kids haven’t been feeling great, I have gotten a small piece of sanity for the past four afternoons. Hadley has been napping again. Pure bliss.

Two kids napping, and about two hours to myself of quiet and serenity. Wow, I never knew I could have it so good. Of course, this little piece of heaven doesn’t last too long. Hadley wakes up with a vengeance and I question if it is worth it to let her sleep (but who am I kidding, I will take it).

Zoey wakes up and is her sweet little self. This usually irritates Hadley to no end and I spend a while keeping the two separated so Hadley doesn’t turn her wrath on Zoey. In all honesty, I relate more to Hadley in the waking up department. I am not one to jump out of bed and be on the go. I am more of a “don’t talk to me for about an hour, otherwise heaven help you” type. So, I guess Hadley did get something from me.

I am hoping I won’t get too attached to this afternoon freedom, because when Hadley starts feeling better and is not napping anymore, I am going to be in a world of hurt.

Speaking of hurt, Hadley has discovered the power of telling someone she doesn’t love them anymore. Sad enough, this is something I did when I was a child too. For example, when she walked past a chair and bumped into it she said, “Fine! Mommy, I don’t love you anymore!” For the first few days, I either ignored her, or just responded by saying, “Oh, ok.”

After a while, it got old, and now we are teaching Hadley that just because you are upset or hurt doesn’t give you the right to say hurtful things to people. So, now she has turned her un-love towards inanimate objects. She will say, “I don’t love foot rests anymore!” It is actually kind of fun to see what she will disown next.

On a side note, Zoey got us a free cookie today at Subway. She was performing her usual round of tricks, waving to people, batting her big doe eyes and smiling and of course blowing kisses to everyone, and the lady behind the counter just gave her a cookie when Zoey pointed to one. I believe in the future, she could be trouble.

when will it be over?

4 Jun

These past few days have been a nightmare.
The girls have had these coughs that refuse to get better, so I finally hauled them into the doctors office to see what was up. Just a good old cough for Hadley, and of course a good old cough for Zoey, plus an ear infection. Poor little kid. I now have fears that she will be one of those kids that always gets ear infections and will have to get tubes. I may be over reacting, since I believe this is her second ear infection, but Hadley has never had one, so it feels like a plague.

The girls were so wound up in the doctor’s office, I thought the paint would come off the walls by the time we were out of there. The doctor asked if Hadley could have a toy, and I said no, because she hadn’t been listening to me. That started another round of hysterics from her and the whole time the doctor is telling me that she really wasn’t that bad and that in fact “she did great.” Who is this guy???? Are we seeing the same three year old right now? All I could think of was in Zoolander, when he says, “I FEEL LIKE I’M TAKING CRAZY PILLS!” Pure chaos.

Then in the evening, when I thought both kids were asleep, Hadley came out of her room to tell me, ” I potty trained.” When I went in to see what the deal was, she has had an accident on her bed. Of course, she did not just go on the bed. She had pulled out every shirt and sweater from her drawer and was cuddled up in all of them when said accident occurred. It was a disaster. Then the tears started because I was making her change PJ’s (cruel of me, I know) and she couldn’t find her penguin PJ’s. Zoey thankfully stayed asleep through those hysterics.

Eric could see my nerves were shot and he was going to leave to get me some ice cream. I was so distraught I didn’t even want ice cream. I told him I wanted a starbucks chocolate chip cookie and when he asked instead if he could get me soft batch cookies I began to shake my head and scream that I didn’t want soft batch cookies. I have no idea where these girls get their dramatic attitudes from, by the way. Poor Eric. He just left quietly…and quickly.

Then this morning the girls woke up extra early and were in especially bad moods. Their coughs seemed to only have gotten worse overnight and no one slept very well. This afternoon Hadley finally had a coughing fit that lasted about an hour, before she proceeded to vomit all over the bathroom. Kuddos to her for trying to get to the toilet though. Maybe next time.

In lighter news, Zoey has figured out how to jump. I use that term loosely. She more squats and stands up really fast. But it is very cute and she is really proud of herself. She is out to prove that an ear infection can’t hold her down.


1 Jun

This weekend was a lot of fun. We spent some time at the pool, and had a really fun time with some friends. Hadley and the Schwarz kids played in a little kiddie pool and chased each other around with a hose. A few of the younger kids stayed out of it, but still had a fun time.

On Sunday we went to eat and stuffed ourselves silly and came home for everyone to take naps. Except Hadley, who piled things on top of us and asked us repeatedly for things while we tried to rest. After a little while, we all headed outside where the girls played and Eric and I got work done in the yard and on the house. It was a productive day.

Today Hadley had her first dentist apt. I was very nervous because she doesn’t even want to stand on the scale when we go to the doctors office, so I thought the chances of her opening her mouth long enough for them to clean her teeth was slim. Lucky for me, she did great! We tried to prepare her for what would be going on, and it seemed to work. She even talked to the dentist and was very polite. She was very satisfied after getting a Snow White toothbrush to use. Her teeth are perfect and he thinks that she has plenty of room in her mouth for her bigger teeth later on. He also thinks she may end up with a gap in her front teeth, but said they would make an incision in her gums later if needed so that wouldn’t happen. That wouldn’t be for another three years, so I am not too concerned about it now.

Zoey Belle has had a bad cough, but other than that, she is just as wiggly as normal. Eric has softball tonight, so I will take the girls to the games and then over to the park.