Archive | July, 2009

Going on Vacation

22 Jul

Well, it’s going to be an interesting week and a half.

Tonight we are going to mom and dad’s house so that we can get a jump on the drive to Minnesota in the morning. The girls and I will drop Linds off in the cities and then head to Duluth to spend a couple days with the Dickinsons.

Sunday, Lindsey will hitch a ride up to Duluth and then it’s off to camp. We are leaving camp a day early, dropping the kids off at the folks’ and then getting back to York in time for the York Summer Games.

It’ll be crazy, but we plan on having a lot of fun and will be coming back with great stories and photos.

Until we return, I’ve uploaded some new photos from Lael’s 2nd birthday and from our picnic the other night:

Just a quick update…

20 Jul

Well, we have been traveling like crazy around here. Eric went to Colorado for a while with his friends, and then the girls and I took off to Minnesota to see my family. Now we are at home for another couple of days before heading off to Seattle, Duluth, and Camp Flaming Pine. Hopefully, August will slow down for us some. In our “spare time” we have taken up boating with Papa Dondi and Grandma Julie. It sure has been fun. I learned how to water ski, and Hadley has enjoyed tubing. She has requested to learn to ski, but we thought she might be a little too small yet, so maybe next summer. Hadley did however, feel comfortable enough with her knowledge of skiing to yell to me to “bend your legs a little bit” as I was skiing. When we have a bit of time, Eric will have to post some of the video he took.

We have hardly sat still this summer yet, so we are still enjoying our pool passes and all the activities that go along with summertime. Our garden is doing wonderful and we have had lots of green beans. Hadley prefers to eat them right off the plant without washing them or cooking them first. To each his (or her) own.

Out of Town

14 Jul

Linds and the girls have been up in Minnesota for awhile visiting her brother Chris before he heads off to Iraq.

I’m sure they’ve had quite an adventure and Linds will be sure to post once they’ve returned home.

Until then, keep checking out the newest photos and here’s a video that I recorded at work a week ago. Hadley was spinning around and didn’t realize I was filming her.